Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

1 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 4742
Author(s): Mango, Cyril.
Title : Notes d'épigraphie et d'archéologie Constantinople, Nicée. l. Deux découvertes du Dr. Dethier. 1. Épitaphe d'une prétendue petite-fille de Justin II [in the 1860s the archaeologist Dethier made notes about an inscription, now lost , that he took to be the epitaph of a granddaughter of Justin II; the author argues that it is in fact for the nurse of Justin's daughter].
Source: Travaux et Mémoires (Centre de Recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance) , 12., ( 1994):  Pages 344 - 345.
Year of Publication: 1994.